Thursday, June 26, 2008


I know I haven't updated this blog in a really long time. There's pretty much nothing to update about, which is really sad. It seems our whole adoption has fallen off the face of the earth or something. We haven't heard a word from our agency regarding anything since probably early March. Everything I know is through the different email groups I'm on or through various blogs. It is very frustrating to say the least. Our fingerprints expire in Oct. or Nov.

But, the big news is that Zach feels we should no longer go through with the adoption at this time. I tell you that that just breaks my heart and kills me. I still picture a little African girl that belongs in our family. First of all, our money from the sale of our house last summer which we intended to use for the adoption will have to go toward purchasing a new home. This would not be the case had we moved where there was a military base and base housing. But the Lord had plans to move us to Iowa where it was rent or buy. So, the funds we had for the adoption have to be used elsewhere. At first I was so against it but there'd be no way we'd be able to live otherwise.

Secondly, we have been busy with the whole move. And I think Zach feels that right now we're blessed with a baby who will be here sometime in September that we really don't need to pursue adoption at this time. I know with the busy-ness of moving and being pregnant has really taken over my life, but my heart still goes out to the orphans and I still feel the Lord has something in store for us. Why would we have begun this process if only to end this way? I'm not sure. I know that I'm still praying the Lord opens the doors for us to adopt. As I've stated before its been something I've always desired to do and I believe the Lord isn't through with us in this area yet.

So that's the news on the adoption front.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Another One

I just finished reading Children of Hope by Vernon Brewer. What a truly amazing and touching book. I cried as I watched videos on the website. It is sad that Christians aren't doing more to help orphans and those affected by AIDS/HIV in Africa. I want to do more! I want to help these children, our brothers and sisters, as they fight for hope and for their lives. Lord, lead us, guide and show us how you desire us to help your children. If you haven't read the book you can get it for free from the link. It is definitely something you need to read. You won't be able to put it down- I read it in a day!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Good Read

I just finished (in a day) A Treasury of Adoption Miracles by Karen Kingsbury. It was 12 different stories of how God worked in people's lives in regards to adoption. Very moving book! I especially enjoyed the first story and then of course Karen's own testimony of how they adopted 3 boys from Haiti. At this point with the move and baby we feel like our adoption is on hold, especially when the Liberian Minister of Health has still not allowed more adoptions to proceed. I really feel that God still desires us to adopt, just not at this point. Hopefully things in Liberia will pick up again soon and we will settle into our new home and be ready to accept our little Liberian girl!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Is no news really good news?

STILL nothing on the adoption front. I meant to call our agency today to see if there has been any news but I completely forgot in lieu of calling lenders, Realtors and the such. It seems as if this adoption is 'on hold'. I guess its maybe a good thing because we're going to have to use our money in savings that was intended for our adoption on a down payment on a home. At first I was so against this but now I've come to realize it is the way its gotta be. I know God will provide the funds for our adoption whenever it progresses...if it does. I know it will, sometimes it just seems like its not really even happening. Like, 'Are we really adopting?' And when people ask how the adoption is going I hate answering that nothing has changed since the last time they asked- a month ago! That is frustrating to no end, but God knows. I need to keep reminding myself that it is HIS time, not mine. Like that song:

In His time, in His time
He makes all things beautiful in His time
Lord, please show me every day as You're teaching me Your way
that You do just what You say in Your time
In Your time, in Your time
You make all things beautiful in Your time
Lord, my life to You I bring may each song I have to sing
be to You a lovely thing in Your time.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Waiting, Waiting and Water

That's all it seems to be lately. Good thing I have this move that occupies most of my thoughts, and my 3 children! But I'm curious what the new changes to adoptions in Liberia will be. I just want answers. And I want this adoption to move forward. I feel like we've been stuck in a rut for awhile now and we need to move forward here.

I haven't been around much in adoption land, including my adoption groups. If you read this blog please check out Brandi's on my sidebar. She is partnering up with an organization called Spirit Liberia (can get to it from her site, I'm so tired I don't want to be searching for it right now) to bring clean water and wells to Liberia. They're almost there on the Rock Hill well. You can read about Rock Hill at her site as well as some of the other people listed on the side. It is a sad, sad situation. Being pregnant, lately I am addicted to water. Since 5 pm I think I've drank about 6 glasses of pure, clean, cold water. I never drink this much water! But I could not imagine not having this blessing. Please, if you can, contribute to help Liberians (and then other African countries) obtain clean water.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

President Bush visits Liberia!

I was so excited to hear that the President was going not only to Africa but to Liberia. You can check out this link. Then this video brought tears to my eyes for some reason. I guess to think that our President is in Liberia taking part in some of the culture of our daughter got to me! Not to mention maybe some hormones are involved;)

Thursday, January 31, 2008

For those who don't know...

I have another blog that I frequently post on. For some rather exciting news for our family please check it out.